Tag: sport

The importance of the positive experience


Today I want to share with you one secret that made a lifetime changes for me. I got it from my coach. Several years ago, when I had sports training I’ve been a very insecure type of person. Moreover, I was very dispersed. I got inspired easily, but I had such a lack of determination to go through the whole process.

In fact, seeing the success of others didn’t bring me as much motivation, as it brings me an inferiority feeling. The idea of competition just terrified me. Why compete if I will lose anyway? Even the fact that my body physic was better and I were stronger. I spend hours and hours of training every day. I almost didn’t have rest days. And when I did, I felt guilty. And the more I trained the more unreliable and inferiority I felt. I didn’t even realize what kind of pressure I’m putting myself in with no reason. And no one told me that. Until him…

He starts to train me and on the second day he told me: “You don’t have a positive experience, don’t you?”
I didn’t understand him, “What do you mean?”
He: “When you never experienced something in your life, you don’t know that you can, deserve or able to win that.”
Me: “Yes, but I am trying so hard. I work every day to become better. I sweat, I got injuries, I risk!”
He: “No matter how hard you’ll work on that. Do you even win something before? Do you ever compete at this level for real?”
“No, I don’t…” – I was so upset. All trying for nothing. I was frustrated.
He: “Look I didn’t say that you can’t do it. I just said that you have a lack of positive experience. Fix that and you will be able to do a lot!” 

And then he told me about the positive experience approach in his training.

The idea of this approach is that no matter what you do, always complete it on a positive note. Seek for a happy ending whatever it sounds like 😉
The benefit of the positive experiences will appear only when your subconscious mind will be saturated with the positive memories from the past, which increases self-esteem and motivating for new achievements.

Efficiency terms:

  • follow the working/training system
  • availability information/resources and it’s feasible
  • constant work every day – just keep doing!
  • control and correction results
  • summary your personal qualities and identify your “cool” factor
  • the combination of individual, group and collective forms of efforts, and so on.

When your positive experience is strong enough you will remember it every time, when you will start something new. So you will reduce fear and pressure, and prejudgment from the beginning. And that means that the possible level of your success will increase in many times.

A human being with a strong positive experience is inherently more resistant to different types of failure and shocks in life, which can easily crush anyone, but not him!

Take care! And seek for a happy ending  in everything you do. Whatever it sounds like 😉


The formula for getting results


If you feel that you trying so hard at something in your life but you don’t get a significant result. Feels like you are making no headway.  Your performance is low. You are afraid and deny competition.  You trying to solve the problem in any possible way but you always back to the point – “I miss something. I am not good enough.  This is going nowhere.  What else should I do about it?” And then you are just giving up…

So this is for you.

This really helps me not to be stuck at something for a too long and improve my performance. Problems solve faster now and to make a decision doesn’t cost me much stress anymore.

Basically, I am talking about upgrading your personal traits and psychic qualities during various sports activities.

It’s interesting how deep you can modify your personal traits and get control over your life. You actually can have an influence on people by choosing a particular sport for them.

Physical activities and type of sport like any other activities presenting requirements for personality features.

As an example let’s look at structure of strong-willed qualities of athletes in the order of importance in various sports:

Cyclic Sports *

Complex Coordination Sports**

Competitive Sports***
#1. Perseverance #1. Stamina (+Moderation) #1. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role)
#2. Tenacity #2. Self-control #2. Independence
#3. Stamina (+Moderation) #3. Courage #3.  Perseverance
#4. Self-control #4. Determination(+Spirit) #4. Tenacity
#5. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role) #5. Perseverance #5. Courage
#6. Independence #6. Tenacity #6. Determination(+Spirit)
#7. Courage #7. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role) #7. Stamina (+Moderation)
#8. Determination(+Spirit) #8.  Independence #8. Self-control
#9. Motivation #9. Motivation #9. Motivation

*Cyclic sports it’s when you do a cyclic repetition of movements to move your own body in space.

Example: running, cycling racing, canoe sprint, marathon, skiing, swimming e. t. c.

** Complex coordination sports is a complex of different types of sports in one where athletes compete with each other basing on how difficult their elements and programs are.

Example: gymnastics, trampoline, figure skating, diving, synchronized swimming e. t. c.

***Competitive sport is a competition between sports teams or athletes in form of a game (match, meeting, and tournament)

Example: soccer, American football, hockey, baseball, tennis, billiard, chess e. t. c.

So what we can say about it?

First, for each type of sport the strong-willed qualities of athletes are having the different type of importance.  Yes, all qualities are the same, but the way of use is pretty different.

Second, in all three columns motivation goes on the last place. And that made me think. Why is that so? Isn’t it supposed to be in a first place? We all need this magic kick to get into the business, right? And that’s how most of us do!

Motivation  +  Determination/Spirit  +   To Be an Initiative  =  Giving up!

We start having a strong impulse to do something (especially after a great movie or if your peer/friend told you an existing story) then we start having fake ‘Power of will’. We believe that we can do the same, no, even better! The strategy coming in our head pretty fast and no one can sure us that this is not going to happen because we are the genius, right? In few days most people usually giving up not even start the third step – to do something. They just lose any interest. But some of them who decide to continue to start making something and then stuck at some problem and giving up too. With sadness and feel of failure.  And it can be anything, from few words dropped your peers that someone else is doing the same thing, till your own fear of failure.

And that’s how we are moving to my third point, the discipline comes first!

Let’s look at our columns one more time.

 Cyclic Sports * Complex Coordination Sports** Competitive Sports***
#1. Perseverance #1. Stamina (+Moderation) #1. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role)
#2. Tenacity #2. Self-control #2. Independence
#3. Stamina (+Moderation) #3. Courage #3.  Perseverance
#4. Self-control #4. Determination(+Spirit) #4. Tenacity
#5. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role) #5. Perseverance #5. Courage
#6. Independence #6. Tenacity #6. Determination(+Spirit)
#7. Courage #7. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role) #7. Stamina (+Moderation)
#8. Determination(+Spirit) #8.  Independence #8. Self-control
#9. Motivation #9. Motivation #9. Motivation

All three columns have perseverance on an upper and middle part of our analysis. So I will put the quality of not giving up is on the first place. Because, of the level of importance.

Cyclic Sports * Complex Coordination Sports** Competitive Sports***
#1. Perseverance #1. Stamina (+Moderation) #1. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role)
#2. Tenacity #2. Self-control #2. Independence
#3. Stamina (+Moderation) #3. Courage #3.  Perseverance
#4. Self-control #4. Determination(+Spirit) #4. Tenacity
#5. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role) #5. Perseverance #5. Courage
#6. Independence #6. Tenacity #6. Determination(+Spirit)
#7. Courage #7. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role) #7. Stamina (+Moderation)
#8. Determination(+Spirit) #8.  Independence #8. Self-control
#9. Motivation #9. Motivation #9. Motivation

Second place shared by stamina + self-control + tenacity + to be an initiative + courage. Here where you need lots of energy and self-discipline to do what you wanted to start.

Cyclic Sports * Complex Coordination Sports** Competitive Sports***
#1. Perseverance #1. Stamina (+Moderation) #1. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role)
#2. Tenacity #2. Self-control #2. Independence
#3. Stamina (+Moderation) #3. Courage #3.  Perseverance
#4. Self-control #4. Determination(+Spirit) #4. Tenacity
#5. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role) #5. Perseverance #5. Courage
#6. Independence #6. Tenacity #6. Determination(+Spirit)
#7. Courage #7. To Be An Initiative (+Leadership-role) #7. Stamina (+Moderation)
#8. Determination(+Spirit) #8.  Independence #8. Self-control
#9. Motivation #9. Motivation #9. Motivation

Second place shared by stamina + self-control + tenacity + to be an initiative + courage. Here where you need lots of energy and self-discipline to do what you wanted to start.

And on a third place we see determination + independence + motivation. In other words your emotions, your passion, your ego.

And now we have the formula for getting results!




And trust me you will always get results with this formula. Always!

So, ask yourself what personal traits you are missing? What qualities would you like to have?  Because you can upgrade yourself as much as you want.  No one was born on a top, people get there! So you can do it too if you’ll work on that. Constantly.

Everything you have to do is pick an activity that has the same structure qualities you would like to develop in yourself and start doing it on a regular basis.

I used to have problems with patience and didn’t finish things done.  So I start cycling. And I didn’t cycle on a nice road; I cycle in mountings, where you can be stressed pretty easily. Nothing crazy just hills and earth bums but it were enough for me to understand that if I am not gonna calm down and focus on a process I will be eaten by mosquitoes ,falling down pretty fast and the sun will reach me before I will even have a chance for a ride. And that’s how I learn to shut my complaining and just do one simple thing – don’t stop.

Then, I start swimming.  And first, I was pretty suspicious about this. I mean what a big deal about swimming pool, right? But then I saw a group of athletes and many different swimming styles and their bodies… And you know what? The swimming pool is a serious business if you are trying to swim breaststroke or butterfly if you never swam like that before.  Just to handle the chlorinated water in your nose while you’re underwater trying to keep your butt down it take some discipline.

Discipline comes first, and sport teaches you that! It’s not an easy way to hit your weak sides, for sure. But this way full of adventures, humor, and great changes.

You really can be everything you want to be if you are working on that. Constantly. It’s not the world’s business to fit you, it’s yours! And don’t be afraid of failure, we are all fallible. I am not inviting you to go professional in sport (but if you do that’s great), I am just showing you one of a possible way to become stronger and bring your personality to the desirable level! Good luck!